
lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013



A student shows his mates a label with a name from the table but he can´t see it. Then he has to make questions about himself and the rest of the class will answer yes or no.
The student should try to know who he or she is.




domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013

Musical Instruments ( III ) BRASS


Brass instruments are simply brass tubes, narrow at one end and gradually widening until it reaches the bell. They are coiled or bent in some way for easy handling. Some common brass instruments are trumpet, horn, trombone and tuba. Same as wind instruments, tone is produced by blowing breath in the tube, however the pitch is determined by a specially shaped mouthpiece. Slack lips produce low notes while tight lips produce high notes. The quality of tone produced depends on the shape of the mouthpiece. Shallow cup-shaped mouthpiece as used in trumpet forms higher harmonics and brilliant tone. Horn, which use deeper funnel-shaped mouthpiece sounds more mellow.


Vocabulary about signs

Connect the words in the document clicking in the picture:

Estimate the cost

Estimate the cost: homemade cake

Eggs (dozen): 2 euros
Flour: 1,5 euros/kg
Oil: 3,50 euros/ litro
Vanila sticks: 0,20 each stick
Chocolate: 2 euros/ tablet 250 g
You will need,
·         2 eggs
·         0,5 kg flour
·         Oil ¼ litre
·         1 vanila stick
·         Chocolate 100 g



Woodwind instruments are usually made of wood, however, flutes and piccolos are more often made by metal, for oboes and clarinets are occasionally made of ebonite. All wind instruments are made to sound by causing to vibrate inside a hollow tube. Different instruments have theirs own particular ways of playing them. The pitch of the note produced depends on its columns of air: long columns of air produce low notes while shorter columns result higher notes. Wind players are able to control tone production by a method called tonguing. The syllable "tu" is formed silently by the player, and he can give every note a clear start by using his tongue. Then, he can go smoothly from note to note by not using it.


Fill the gaps:

1       Stages of a technological process:

  • Proposal and ................ of the need or problem.
  • ........... and analyse the background.
  • .............. an individual idea.
  • Agree and choose the best solution.
  • Develop the solution.
  • Plan the group work
  • Construct and experiment.
  • ............. and check the product.
  •  Report on the manufacture of the object

       A joke to end



The next power point aims to encourage young people to start their own businesses. I hope you enjoy.

Musical instruments ( I ) STRINGS

Musical instruments are made of many different materials and are played in many different ways. Due to their characteristics, they are mainly grouped into five main categories, which are Woodwind, Brass, Percussion, String and Keyboard.


All musical instruments with strings are known as string instruments, such as the violin family, harp, guitar and so on. The pitch of the note is decided by the length, thickness and tension of the string. String instruments are basically divided into two groups: bowed string instruments and plucked string instruments. The most common type of bowed string instruments are the violin family. The violin, viola, cello and double bass are members of violin family. The reason they known as bowed strings is because players have to use bow to make the string vibrate. The bow that had made sticky with resin is drawn across a string of the violin, keeps on catching the string and pulling it, thus produce sound. All of them have common characteristics, yet the chief difference between them is their size, increase from violin to the double bass. Each of them plays different role in orchestra, as violin has wide range of tone qualities, and the rest of them are act as base of the orchestra since they have lower pitch compared to violin. The harp, guitar, lute, mandoline and banjo are examples of plucked string intruments. The main difference between them and the violin family is that they are not played with a bow, but plucked the string with fingers. Therefore, the tone dies away more quickly and usually they have been used mainly to accompany the voice, most often the singer plays the instrument himself.

Here you are a images with the instruments descripted.

About colors

Here you are a simple explanation about colors.
Primary Secondary Tertiary Colors
Primary Colors: Red, yellow and blue
In traditional color theory (used in paint and pigments), primary colors are the 3 pigment colors that can not be mixed or formed by any combination of other colors. All other colors are derived from these 3 hues. 
Secondary Colors: Green, orange and purple
These are the colors formed by mixing the primary colors.

Tertiary Colors: Yellow-orange, red-orange, red-purple, blue-purple, blue-green & yellow-green
These are the colors formed by mixing a primary and a secondary color. That's why the hue is a two word name, such as blue-green, red-violet, and yellow-orange.

And now you can find some images which explain the mix of the primary colors in order to get the others

viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013

Technology activity

           Estimate the cost of make a house (per week):   

Labour= 400 €/ workingday

Material= 1000 €

Rent tools= 200 € / day      
Energy (electricity…) = 60 €/day

Don´t forget!!!!!!!!: IVA= 21%

Total cost=……………………………€/ per week  

Insects and arthropods

Watch the video about insecst and arthropods and read the transcript

Video transcript

Insects and arthropods

More than three quarters of the world’s animal species are arthropods. They are an essential part of our ecosystem.

Although arthropods come in all shapes and sizes they all have some things in common. They are all invertebrates. This means they don’t have a backbone. They all have a skeleton on the outside of their bodies called an exoskeleton.

Their bodies are made up of segments and they have many pairs of jointed legs.

They also have bilateral symmetry. This means that the left side of an arthropod is a mirror image of the right.

The largest group of arthropods is insects.  An insect’s body is divided into three parts: the head, the thorax and the abdomen.

The second largest group is crustaceans. This group includes lobsters and crabs.

Arachnids include spiders and scorpions. Nearly all arachnids live on land and are hunters. Like insects, arachnids have a segmented body. However, whilst insects have three pairs of legs, arachnids have four pairs.

The last group of arthropods is the millipedes and centipedes. These creatures have many pairs of legs, one or two on each body section.

To survive, all arthropods need shelter, food and a safe place where they can reproduce. They can be found in many different environments and arthropods can adapt to their habitats. Spiders spin webs to catch prey, while hermit crabs use empty shells to give them protection and camouflage.
Bees take their food from the nectar in the plants around them.

Some arthropods such as beetles live alone. Others such as ants and bees live in huge well-organised communities.

All arthropods want to reproduce. Because there are so many different types of arthropods there are different ways in which they are born, develop and grow. Some arthropods like spiders and bees lay many eggs in protected places, for example under leaves or in a hive. When they hatch, the young look like the adults.

A few arthropods like the scorpion give birth to live young, which are carried until they are able to survive alone. Some arthropods have a life cycle where the egg hatches to reveal a larva, a grub-like creature. After a while the larva becomes a pupa. It will now gradually change or metamorphose to become an adult. A butterfly’s life cycle is a good example of this

Parthenon Video

This is a video about Parthenon History. I hope you  enjoy.

Mammals. Listening


Video transcript

Mammals, from giant whales to small mice, and to great apes much like ourselves, are among the most advanced of earth’s creatures. All mammals share two traits – we feed our young with mother’s milk and we have hair, more or less.

Mammals nursing their young produce fewer offspring than other animals but the youngsters have a much higher rate of survival than newly hatched birds, reptiles and insects. This young orangutan will stay with its mother for eight years.

Hair, like the coats worn by these high alpine guanacos, offers mammals another advantage. Hair, and the sweat glands that come with it, helps mammals stay warm in cold climates and mammals have moved into nearly all of earth’s habitats. Polar bears have adapted to life in the Arctic where the inhospitable cold makes fur coats essential.

Marine mammals like porpoises and humpbacked whales thrive in cold oceans. They still have a few hairs around their mouths but a more efficient underwater insulator is a thick layer of fat keeping heat in and cold out.

Elephants battle heat. Their skin, covered in fine hairs, is wrinkled making it easy to trap cooling mud in the creases.

Spots on the coats of leopards and cheetahs help them to hide. Their fur works to camouflage the big cats stalking prey in tall grasses.

There are 7 500 species of reptiles and amphibians and some 8 600 species of birds, only 4 100 species of mammals exist but they dominate the land and the sea.

Mammals have evolved with greater speed and agility than most other animals. Limbs that are lined up to support weight and drive mammals forward help browsing mammals run from mammalian predators, armed with tooth and claw.

And when natural advantages fail, some mammals fashion tools to help them out. This orangutan is working on a spoon to help him scoop ants out of a tree.

Tool-making was once thought to be a skill exclusive to the human mammal but all great apes and some other animals make tools.

So what separates us from the rest of the mammals?

Our ability to communicate? To parent? To show emotion?

Perhaps a better question is to ask what makes us all so alike? 


If you click in the picture you can find an exercise in order to practise vocabulary about tools.                                                                                                                                              


1)-Rewiew the ppt about Actien Greek Art, look at the picture and answer the following questions:

Name of the picture



One characteristic

2)-Link with arrows

-Parthenon                        Jonic     
-Kore                               Archaic
-Doric                               Acroplis                              
-Volute                             Abacus

3)-Look at the picture and answer the  questions:

Name of the picture



One characteristic


Watch the video and read the transcript

Lighting up leaves

Video transcript

A little florescent dye illuminates a complex circulatory system beneath the leaf’s surface. But what drives the pattern of these veins?

This question has intrigued physicist Marcelo Magnasco for years.

‘I guess that simply because of the mysterious beauty of the patterns.’

This network provides structure, transports water and nutrients and does it in the face of bugs, fungus and other attackers.

‘The network is built to withstand life, right. Leaves have been strongly optimised over millions and millions of years to be, you know some of the most remarkably adapted organs that we can find in this planet.’

And to a mathematical physicist like Magnasco, this evolutionary adaptation can be understood with numbers. Assuming evolution has shaped the geometry of the network, you can think of this pattern as the optimal solution, the best answer to a puzzle that takes into account the job of the leaf and the challenges facing it.

Magnasco along with research fellow, ‘my name is Elena Katifori’, wanted to understand what problems this lemon leaf’s loopy pattern solves.

‘And then what we do is an insanely huge calculation in which we make many many random perturbations to the network. ‘

One perturbation to the network could be vein damage, and this is where their cool florescent demonstration comes in. Katifori shows the advantage of alternate pathways here.

‘Yep, so I punch the hole in the leaf which you can see here. In this little vial here I have the florescent dye and then as soon as I put this in you are going to slowly start seeing the dye travelling through the veins and you will see the trajectory of the dye.’

‘This, you know, pretty close to obvious that if you want your network to be resilient to damage you will want to have some loops, exactly how many and how big is the question we are addressing in our work.’

The calculation revealed that resilience isn’t the only advantage of this loopy structure.

‘If the demand at every single point where you’re distributing fluctuates’ – for instance the sunny side of the leaf may need water when the shady side doesn’t, that’s a fluctuation in demand – ‘if those fluctuations happen you achieve efficiency not by having lines dividing into lines but by having essentially circles dividing into little circles.’

So their calculations revealed that changes in demand and potential for damage make the circle-within-circle structure optimal and this is similar to the way the lemon leaf’s network looks. But it’s worth noting that not all plants have come up with this particular solution.
Take the ancient ginkgo.

‘It has survived for millions of years so it’s doing pretty well.’

And obviously designing optimal networks for transport isn’t a problem that only leaves space.

‘The question of how to deliver stuff has been posed since the times the aqueducts were built in Rome so this is a question that has been studied a lot in the context, not so much of the natural science but in the context of delivering goods.’

But perhaps even more seductive than the practical applications here, is just how cool it looks.

‘That’s the profound and interesting thing about elegance and beauty that they are not really devoid of utility and practicality, right. I mean have you seen a Ferrari? They become pretty by being highly optimised and so there’s a deep connection between beauty and utility that I personally don’t understand but I make use of it.’ 

Happy Valentine’s Day from Science Friday. I’m Flora Lichtman.