
martes, 20 de marzo de 2012

Musical texture

Whatch the video, try to answer the questions in it and the questions below.

You can also click on the link  Musical Texture

Try to remember and answer the questions:
- How many kinds of musical textures are explained in the video?
- What kind of texture corresponds to the Gregorian Chant?
- Unison is the combination of parts at the same pitch or in octaves. What kind of musical texture we use unison?
- We have listened a Christmas Carol. What kind of musical texture does it have? Why?
- Yes or not. Can we use instruments in the monophonic texture as a support?
- We have listened a beautiful song tittled "Will I". What musical form is this polyphonic piece?
- We have listened a piano playing a homophonic texture but, can this instrument play polyphonic texture? 

Complete the information:
About the definitions:
_____________ texture: a single-line melody with no ______________ or other horizontal or vertical sound.
_____________ texture: a ____________ that is dominant with others _________ supporting the main melody.
_____________ texture: Two or more ___________, simultaneosly sounding melodies having _______ emphasis.

About the examples:
Amazing grace: There is a _______ voice singing, -no accompaniment, no __________
Regina caeli: Although _________ voices are singing, they are all singing the exact ________ thing, with no _____________ and no harmony.
Will I: A canon is a piece where every voice is singing the same ________ but they all ________ at ___________ time.

If you want to check your answers click here:

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