
jueves, 12 de mayo de 2016

19th century in Spain


1.   Look at Goya's painting Firing Squad 3rd May and answer:

➔ Who are the people that are going to be shot? And their killers?
➔ Where do you think this happened?
➔ How can Goya show such dramatism in the picture?

2. The 1812 Constitution:

Art.3 – Sovereignity is in the nation and only this has the right to establish the fundamental laws.

Art. 15 – The power to make laws is in the hands of the courts and the king.

Art. 16 – The power to execute the laws is in the hands of the king.

Art. 17 – The power to apply the laws in civil and crimminal problems (or causes) is in the tribunals determined by the law. 

Art. 172.1 – The king cannot close the courts and those who help him would be considered traitors so they could be prosecuted.

Art. 371 – All Spanish people are free to write, print and publish their own political ideas without any permission, revision or approvement before their publication, only under the conditions established by law.

➔ Which article shows the national sovereignity?

➔ Name the articles where we can see the division of powers.

➔ What types of freedom can we see?

➔ Do you think the Constitution reduced the king's power? Justify your answer.

3. Write three features of Ferdinand VII's goverments:

Liberal triennium
Ominous decade

4.    Draw a time line for the 19th century in Spain:

   Write the name of the periods that you have studied.

   You must also place:

a.    the first republic is proclaimed

b.   Pragmatica Sanction

c.    the beginning of the Independence War

d.   the Bourbons are reinstalled

e.    Mendizábal's desamortización

f.     Isabella II becomes queen

g.   Riego's coup d'etat

h.   alternating governments

i.     La Pepa

   After that, write a paragraph about everything, explaining each of those events.

5.    Explain the differences between:

   Constitutional monarchy and absolute monarchy.

   Monarchy and republic.

   Conservatives and progressives.

6.    Name the different types of government in the second part of the 19th century.

7.    Match the people to what they did:

- Ferdinand VII
- started the desamotización of the
- Espartero
Church properties
- Mendizábal
- refused the 1812 Constitution
- Cánovas
- started alternating government

- was Isabella II's regent

8.    Which of these reasons made the first Spanish Republic fail? Explain your answer.

   There were too many monarchical groups in the Parliament.

   The arrival of 100.000 Saint Louis´s sons.

   The lack of agreement between the supporters of the republic.

   There were a lot of wars: Carlists, Cuba ...

   There was opposition from workers organizations.

9.    Write a report comparing Isabella's kingdom and Alfonso XII's time (15 lines or more).

10. Compare the 1812, 1845, 1869 and 1876 Constitutions.

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